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Queues in Data Structures

Data Structures

5m · 6min read

Queues in Data Structures

Queues are a basic data structure in computer science, characterized by their ability to store and manage elements in a specific order. The term "queue" is derived from the real-world concept of a line or queue, where the first element to enter is the first one to leave, adhering to the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principle.

Stack Data Structure

Data Structures

6m · 4min read

Stack Data Structure

A stack is a linear data structure that follows the Last In First Out (LIFO) principle, meaning the last element added to the stack will be the first one to be removed. This concept can be likened to a stack of plates; you add a plate to the top of the stack, and when you need to remove a plate, you take it from the top as well. The last plate you add will also be the first one you remove.

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