Terms and conditions

1. Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

By accessing or using Algogenz, you signify your agreement to these Terms and Conditions.If you do not agree to all of the terms and conditions contained herein, do not access or use Algogenz.Algogenz reserves the right to modify, add, or delete portions of these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice.Please check these Terms and Conditions periodically for changes.Your continued use of Algogenz following the posting of changes to these terms will mean that you accept those changes.

2. User Accounts

In order to use some features of Algogenz, you must create an account with a valid email address and password. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account information, including your password, and for all activity that occurs under your account. You agree to notify us immediately if there is any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach in security. We reserve the right to refuse service, terminate accounts or remove content in our sole discretion without liability or prior notice.

3. User Content

We may allow users to post content such as text, images, video clips and other material ("User Content") onto Algogenz websites or through our services. We are not responsible for any User Content uploaded by users onto our websites or through our services. All User Content is solely the responsibility of the person who originated such content . We cannot guarantee that all User Content is accurate and we may not monitor User Content posted on our websites or through our services in any way unless specifically requested by a user in specific writing signed by both parties stating such request explicitly within 30 days from request date . If we become aware that any User Content violates these Terms & Conditions we reserve the right (but have no obligation) to remove such content at any time without notice but we are not responsible for any failure or delay in removing such content.. By submitting User Content on Algogenz websites or through our services , you grant us a worldwide royalty-free non-exclusive license (with the right to sublicense) to use, reproduce, distribute , prepare derivative works of , display , and perform the User Content in connection with Algogenz websites , services and business activities . You also represent and warrant that you own all rights necessary for you to grant us this license.

4. Prohibited Uses

You agree not to: • Use Algogenz websites or its contents for commercial purposes; • Upload viruses onto Algogenz websites; • Use robots, spiders , scrapers , data mining tools , data gathering tools , data extraction tools , automated devices (or manual processes) used to access scrape store download data from any page contained on this website; • Frame any part of this website within another website; • Attempts to gain unauthorized access over computer systems connected with this website; • Disrupting network connections ; • Reverse engineer software contained on this website; • Attempting to decipher code used by software contained on this website; • Posting libelous defamatory materials ; • Posting pornographic materials ; • Posting materials containing viruses …etc…

5. Third Party Links & Advertisements

Algogenz may contain links & advertisements from third party sites & resources which are provided solely as a convenience only . We do not control these third party sites & resources & we are not responsible for their contents nor their availability.. Your interactions with third party sites & resources are subject solely between yourself & such third party & we shall have no responsibility whatsoever arising out of such interactions . Please be aware when leaving Algogenz's site & read carefully privacy policies / terms available on those sites .

6. Limitation Of Liability

Algogenz shall not be liable for damages caused as result from using its services . In no event shall Algogenz be liable (whether in contract tort negligence equity strict liability )for any loss damage special consequential punitive indirect incidental direct costs damages fines fees expenses incurred suffered sustained arising out of using its services even if Algogenz was advised about possibility of such damages ..etc…