Padding vs Margin: What's the Difference in CSS?

In CSS, margin is the space around an element, separating it from others, while padding is the space between an element's border and its content

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8m · 2min read

In CSS, padding and margin are two crucial properties that help manage the spacing around elements. Although they seem similar, they serve different purposes and behave differently.

Understanding Padding and Margin

Padding is the space between an element's border and its content. It's the space inside the border. If you increase the padding, the size of the element will grow, pushing the content further away from the border. You can adjust padding for each side (top, right, bottom, left) individually or all at once using the padding property.

Here's an example of setting padding:

div {
 padding: 10px; /* All sides */
 padding-top: 10px; /* Top side */

Margin, on the other hand, is the space around an element's border. It's the space outside the border. Unlike padding, margins do not affect the size of the element itself. Instead, they push the element away from other elements or the edges of the container. You can adjust margin for each side (top, right, bottom, left) individually or all at once using the margin property.

Here's an example of setting margin:

div {
 margin: 10px; /* All sides */
 margin-top: 10px; /* Top side */

Key Differences

The primary difference between padding and margin lies in their behavior:

  • Collapsing: Vertical margins collapse, meaning that the larger of two vertical margins is used, while the smaller one disappears. On the contrary, padding never collapses.
  • Click Region: Padding is included in the click region and background color/image, but margin is not. This means that if you have a button with a border, clicking anywhere on the button including the padding will trigger the button, but clicking on the margin will not.
  • Space Control: Use padding to move the contents away from the edges of the block, and use margin to separate the block from things outside it.

Practical Usage

Generally, use margins when you're adjusting the spacing of an element in relation to another element (e.g., a div in relation to another div on the page), and use padding when you're adjusting the look of an individual element (e.g., the amount of pixels between the edge of a div and the text within it).


Understanding the difference between padding and margin is fundamental to controlling the layout and appearance of your webpage. By knowing when to use each, you can create more organized, aesthetically pleasing, and user-friendly designs.

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