30 React Projects to Build in 2024

30 React projects for 2024: Weather App, E-commerce Store, Portfolio Website, Music Player and more. These React projects are perfect for beginners to advanced developers

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7m · 10min read

React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces has become a cornerstone in web development, particularly in 2024. Its component-based architecture and efficient update and render cycles have made it a preferred choice for developers. React's relevance in 2024 is underscored by its ability to create dynamic and responsive web applications with ease. Building projects are a pivotal step in mastering React, as it not only solidifies understanding of the library but also enhances problem-solving skills and creativity.

Beginner Level Projects

Todo List App

  • Features: The Todo List App focuses on adding, editing, and deleting tasks, providing a comprehensive experience in managing a list of items.
  • Experience: This project introduces basic React concepts such as components, props, and states. By creating a Todo List, you learn how to handle user inputs, manage the state to reflect changes in the UI, and update the state based on user actions like adding, editing, and deleting tasks.

Tic-Tac-Toe Game

  • Features: The Tic-Tac-Toe Game project includes implementing game logic, tracking scores, and updating the UI based on game state.
  • Experience: Building this game helps you understand state management in a more complex scenario, including how to update the state based on user interactions and how to implement game logic to determine the winner.


  • Features: The Stopwatch project allows users to start, stop, and record lap times, showcasing the application's ability to manage time-related states.
  • Experience: This project deepens your understanding of state management by handling time-related states, such as tracking elapsed time and managing lap times. It also introduces event handling to start, stop, and reset the stopwatch.


  • Features: The Calculator app includes basic arithmetic operations, allowing users to input numbers and perform calculations.
  • Experience: This project emphasizes handling user input, updating the state based on that input, and dynamically updating the UI to display the result of calculations. It's a practical way to learn how to work with forms and manage states in response to user actions.

Blog App

  • Features: The Blog App project encompasses creating and posting blogs, showcasing CRUD operations and routing.
  • Experience: This project introduces CRUD operations and routing in React. It teaches how to manage data (create, read, update, delete blog posts), navigate between different views (e.g., list of posts, individual posts), and manage the application's state to reflect these operations.

Weather App

  • Features: The Weather App project focuses on fetching weather data from an external API and displaying it to the user.
  • Experience: Building this app teaches you to integrate with third-party APIs, manage the application's state to store fetched data, and conditionally render UI elements based on the data received. It's a practical way to learn about API integration and conditional rendering.

Currency Converter

  • Features: The Currency Converter project includes converting between different currencies, and leveraging external APIs to fetch conversion rates.
  • Experience: This project showcases how to use external APIs to fetch real-time data and how to manage the application's state to store and display conversion rates. It's a practical application of state management and API integration.

Quiz App

  • Features: The Quiz App project includes presenting multiple-choice questions and tracking scores, showcasing state management and conditional rendering.
  • Experience: Building a Quiz App helps you understand how to manage the application's state to track user answers and scores, and how to conditionally render UI elements based on the quiz's state (e.g., displaying questions, showing results).

Movie Search App

  • Features: The Movie Search App project focuses on searching for movies and displaying details, leveraging external APIs to fetch movie data.
  • Experience: This project teaches you how to integrate with third-party APIs to fetch and display data, manage the application's state to store search results, and create a dynamic UI that updates based on user input and the fetched data.

Note Taking App

  • Features: The Note Taking App project includes creating, reading, updating, and deleting notes, with a focus on managing local storage.
  • Experience: This project introduces CRUD operations and local storage management in React. It teaches how to manage the application's state to store and retrieve notes, and how to interact with the browser's local storage to persist data across sessions.

Intermediate Level Projects

E-commerce Store

  • Features: The E-commerce Store project includes listing products, managing a shopping cart, and processing checkout, showcasing state management with Redux and routing.
  • Experience: This project deepens your understanding of state management with Redux and routing in React. It teaches how to manage complex states across multiple components using Redux and how to navigate between different parts of the application.

Social Media Dashboard

  • Features: The Social Media Dashboard project focuses on user authentication and real-time updates, showcasing real-time data handling and user sessions.
  • Experience: Building a Social Media Dashboard introduces authentication and real-time data handling in React. It teaches how to manage user sessions, update data in real time, and handle user authentication securely.

Task Manager App

  • Features: The Task Manager App project includes creating tasks, tracking due dates, categorizing tasks, and managing form validation.
  • Experience: This project emphasizes complex state management and form validation in React. It teaches how to manage intricate state logic to track tasks and their details, and how to validate user inputs to ensure data integrity.

Restaurant Menu App

  • Features: The Restaurant Menu App project includes displaying a menu and handling user orders, showcasing state management and user input handling.
  • Experience: Building this app helps you understand how to manage the application's state to store and display menu items, handle user orders, and manage the state of the order form. It's a practical way to learn about state management and handling user inputs.

Travel Planner

  • Features: The Travel Planner project includes planning trips, adding destinations, and tracking expenses, with a focus on state management and data visualization.
  • Experience: This project introduces state management and data visualization in React. It teaches how to manage the application's state to plan trips, track expenses, and visualize data in a meaningful way.

Recipe App

  • Features: The Recipe App project includes searching for recipes, filtering by ingredients, and leveraging external APIs to fetch recipe data.
  • Experience: Building a Recipe App showcases how to integrate with third-party APIs to fetch and display data, manage the application's state to store search results, and create a dynamic UI that updates based on user input and the fetched data.

Portfolio Website

  • Features: The Portfolio Website project includes showcasing projects, including a contact form, with a focus on responsive design and form handling.
  • Experience: This project emphasizes responsive design and form handling in React. It teaches how to create a responsive layout that looks good on all devices and how to handle form submissions effectively.

Project Management Tool

  • Features: The Project Management Tool project includes creating projects, and tasks, and assigning them to team members, with a focus on advanced state management and user authentication.
  • Experience: Building this tool introduces advanced state management and user authentication in React. It teaches how to manage complex state logic to track projects, tasks, and team members, and how to handle user authentication securely.

Music Player

  • Features: The Music Player project includes playing, pausing, skipping songs, and creating playlists, leveraging audio APIs.
  • Experience: This project showcases how to work with audio APIs in React. It teaches how to manage the application's state to control the music player (play, pause, skip) and how to interact with web APIs to play audio files.

Online Auction Platform

  • Features: The Online Auction Platform project includes listing items, bidding on items, and managing auctions, with a focus on real-time data updates and user authentication.
  • Experience: Building an Online Auction Platform introduces real-time data updates and user authentication in React. It teaches how to manage dynamic data in real time and how to handle user authentication securely.

Advanced Level Projects

Real-time Chat Application

  • Features: The Real-time Chat Application project includes user authentication, private messages, and group chats, showcasing WebSockets integration and real-time data handling.
  • Experience: This project emphasizes WebSockets integration and real-time data handling in React. It teaches how to build a chat application to handle real-time data and securely manage user sessions.

Online Learning Platform

  • Features: The Online Learning Platform project includes a course catalog, video streaming, and quizzes, showcasing video streaming APIs and complex state management.
  • Experience: Building this platform showcases how to integrate with third-party services for video streaming and manage the application's state to track courses, video progress, and quiz results. It's a practical application of video streaming APIs and complex state management.

Customizable Dashboard

  • Features: The Customizable Dashboard project includes widget creation, user customization, and data visualization, with a focus on drag-and-drop functionality and data visualization libraries.
  • Experience: This project introduces drag-and-drop functionality and data visualization libraries in React. It teaches how to create a highly customizable dashboard and visualize data effectively.

Multiplayer Game

  • Features: The Multiplayer Game project includes multiplayer gameplay, score tracking, and chat, combining WebSockets integration and complex state management.
  • Experience: Building a Multiplayer Game showcases how to integrate with WebSockets for real-time data updates and manage the application's state to track game progress and chat messages. It's a practical application of WebSockets integration and complex state management.

Health Tracker App

  • Features: The Health Tracker App project includes tracking diet, exercise, and health metrics, with a focus on advanced state management and data visualization.
  • Experience: This project emphasizes advanced state management and data visualization in React. It teaches how to manage complex state logic to track health metrics and visualize this data in a meaningful way.

Virtual Art Gallery

  • Features: The Virtual Art Gallery project includes displaying artworks, user reviews, and purchase options, showcasing advanced UI design and user authentication.
  • Experience: Building this gallery introduces advanced UI design and user authentication in React. It teaches how to create a visually appealing UI and handle user authentication securely.

Job Board

  • Features: Post jobs, apply for jobs, employer dashboard.
  • Experience: The Job Board project is a comprehensive introduction to advanced state management and user authentication. It teaches how to manage complex state logic for job listings, applications, and employer dashboards, as well as how to handle user authentication securely.

Crowdfunding Platform

  • Features: Create campaigns, contribute funds, manage campaigns.
  • Experience: This project emphasizes real-time data updates and payment integration. It's a practical application for managing dynamic data in real time and integrating with payment services, teaching you how to handle transactions securely and efficiently.

E-Learning Platform

  • Features: Course creation, progress tracking, quizzes.
  • Experience: The E-Learning Platform project focuses on complex state management and video streaming. It's an excellent way to learn how to manage the state of an e-learning platform and integrate it with third-party services for video streaming, providing a comprehensive learning experience.

Fitness Tracker

  • Features: Track workouts, diet, progress.
  • Experience: This project combines advanced state management and data visualization. It's a comprehensive introduction to managing complex state logic for tracking workouts, diet, and progress, and visualizing this data in a meaningful way, teaching you how to handle user data and present it effectively.


Each project listed above offers a unique learning experience, covering a wide range of React concepts and techniques. From basic state management to complex state logic, API integration, and real-time data handling, these projects provide a solid foundation for mastering React. Encouraging developers to apply these projects in real-world scenarios fosters a deeper understanding and enhances practical skills.

Additional Tips

  • Use TypeScript: For better type safety and scalability, consider using TypeScript in your projects. It helps in catching errors early and makes your codebase more maintainable.
  • Explore serverless architectures: For backendless applications, exploring serverless architectures can provide a scalable and cost-effective solution. It allows you to focus on the frontend while the backend is managed by cloud services.
  • Stay updated with React's ecosystem: React is constantly evolving. Keeping up with the latest features, best practices, and community recommendations ensures that you're leveraging the framework to its fullest potential.

By following these tips and diving into each project, you'll not only enhance your React skills but also build a portfolio that showcases your ability to create dynamic, responsive, and user-friendly web applications.


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TypeScript Types vs Interfaces

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